dental crowns blog imageDental crowns are like superheroes for your teeth. They swoop in to save the day when a tooth is weak, broken or has had a root canal. Think of them as custom-made caps that cover the entire tooth, restoring its shape, size, strength, and appearance.

When Would You Need a Dental Crown?

But why would you need one? Situations vary from protecting a weak tooth from breaking further to covering up dental implants. If you’ve had a large filling and there isn’t much natural tooth left or your tooth is severely discolored or misshapen—a crown can come to the rescue.

Crowns aren’t just about function; they’re also big on aesthetics. With options ranging from porcelain that matches your natural teeth color to gold for those out-of-sight molars—there’s something for everyone. Cleveland Clinic notes it typically takes two visits: one to prepare the tooth and place a temporary crown; and another visit to fit and secure the permanent crown with dental cement.

Types of Dental Crowns

Choosing the right material for your dental crown can feel like picking out a new car. You’ve got options, each with its own set of pros and cons.

Gold Crowns

Gold crowns are the OGs in the dental crown family. They’re not just about bling; they bring a lot to the table, like durability and less wear on opposing teeth. But let’s be real, their metallic color might not win everyone over.

Opting for this choice is ideal for back teeth, prioritizing resilience over appearance.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns

A hybrid that tries to give you the best of both worlds: strength from metal and natural looks from porcelain. For years, these crowns have combined resilience against chewing pressures with a visually appealing appearance.

The catch? Sometimes the metal underneath can peek through as a dark line right at your gum line—not exactly ideal if your smile is front and center.

All Porcelain Crowns

If you want something that mimics your natural tooth enamel so closely people will do double-takes, all-porcelain crowns are it. Perfect for those who prioritize aesthetics or have metal allergies, these beauties blend seamlessly with your smile.

The downside? While they look fantastic, they may not endure quite as well as their gold or PFM counterparts when placed on back teeth where chewing forces are greatest.

Zirconia Crowns

Welcome zirconia—the new kid on the block known for its extreme durability and excellent looks. It’s like having an indestructible shield that also happens to look completely natural. Zirconia can withstand almost anything you throw at it (or rather chew) without chipping away at its appearance—or yours.

The Dental Crown Procedure Explained

The process of obtaining a dental crown involves several crucial steps, starting with the initial consultation and culminating in the final placement of the crown. The first step is the initial consultation, during which the dentist assesses the patient’s dental condition and determines whether a dental crown is necessary. This often involves a thorough examination, X-rays, and discussions about the patient’s oral health history and concerns.

What Happens During a Dental Crown Procedure?

Ever wondered how that tiny tooth-shaped cap, known as a dental crown, finds its way to cover and protect your cracked or weak tooth? It’s not magic but close enough. Transitioning a tooth from its fragile state to a splendid shine requires not just technological sorcery but also the deft hands of an artisan.

Over a couple of appointments at the dental clinic, your teeth embark on their transformation journey. First up is the consultation and preparation phase. Here, your dentist will assess if you’re a good candidate for a crown—say goodbye to decayed parts of the tooth and hello to shaping it for its new armor. They’ll then take digital impressions of your mouth using computer-aided design (CAD) technology or maybe even putty-like material if they’re kicking it old school. This part ensures your future crown fits like Cinderella’s slipper.

Next comes the temporary crowns phase where you get an interim solution while waiting for the lab technicians at a dental lab to create your permanent masterpiece. These tech gurus use materials ranging from metal crowns rarely chip but might not win beauty contests in front teeth spots—to ceramic crowns that mimic natural enamel so well; they could fool Mother Nature herself.

Last stop: Crown placement day. Your return visit is when transformation occurs. The dentist will remove the temporary piece, clean up any rebel adhesive remnants, and fit your custom-made crown snugly onto what used to be troubled territory. Secured with special dental cement under bite pressure higher than most first dates’, this final step brings back full chewing function along with newfound confidence in smiling wide without reservations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Crowns


Dental crowns offer a lifeline to teeth that have been through the wringer—whether it’s due to decay, injury, or just wear and tear. One of their main perks is protecting weak teeth from further damage. Think of them as helmets for your chompers, safeguarding against cracks and chips.

Another win? They restore chewing function. If you’ve ever had a tooth so damaged that eating felt like navigating a minefield, you’ll appreciate how crowns make munching painless again. Plus, with materials ranging from gold to porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), there’s an option for every aesthetic preference and budget.

Crowns rarely chip which makes them a solid investment in your oral health. Materials like zirconia are incredibly tough—they can take on the forces of biting without flinching.


The main drawback? The process isn’t exactly one-and-done—it typically involves two visits to get everything sorted. And while they’re built to last between five to 15 years, this means they’re not forever—you might need replacements down the line.

Last but not least: cost can be an issue for some folks since dental insurance may cover only part of it depending on the reason for the crown.

Caring for Your Dental Crown

Maintaining a dazzling smile goes beyond just steering clear of sweets; it involves nurturing the repairs that bring your chipped tooth back to life. If you’ve got a dental crown, whether to cover a dental implant or hold a dental bridge in place, here are some tips to keep it and the rest of your mouth in top shape.

Dental crowns can last between five to 15 years, but like any kingdom, their longevity depends on how well you maintain them. Regular brushing and flossing are non-negotiables. Think of plaque as the unruly subjects trying to overthrow your crown – don’t let them win. Dive deeper into preserving your dental crowns and extending their dominion by exploring the wisdom shared by Cleveland Clinic on how to nurture them properly.

Avoid using your crowned teeth as tools. That means no bottle opening or plastic bag tearing unless you want an unscheduled visit back to the dentist’s office. Hard foods should be approached with caution too; even though materials like porcelain and zirconia withstand biting forces pretty well, they’re not indestructible.

Dental Crown Longevity

Wondering how long do dental crowns last? You’re not alone. On average, they stick around for 5 to 15 years, but this lifespan can stretch even longer with the right care and material choice. It’s all about matching your needs with the crown type that best suits you.

Mayo Clinic notes that factors like material type and oral hygiene play huge roles in a crown’s longevity. Metal crowns are tough cookies; they rarely chip and can withstand biting forces like champs, making them ideal for those out-of-sight molars. Ceramic or porcelain options blend in better aesthetically but might need more tender loving care to prevent damage.

To get more bang for your buck from a dental crown investment, good oral hygiene is non-negotiable. Brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and avoiding habits like grinding teeth or chewing ice can help extend their life significantly. And remember: regular check-ups with your dentist aren’t just social calls—they’re crucial for catching any issues early on.


So, you’ve navigated the world of dental crowns. You know why they’re needed and what types are out there. Metal or porcelain, gold or zirconia, each has its place in restoring smiles.

You understand the procedure from start to finish. In just a couple of appointments, your tooth can be taken back to its prime.

Caring for them is key. With good habits, a crown lasts 5 to 15 years.

By mending both wellness and aesthetics, dental crowns serve as connectors. They protect, restore, and enhance.

In all this talk about materials and maintenance, remember: A well-chosen crown not only fixes teeth but also boosts confidence. Let it be your smile’s knight in shining armor.

Call BGW About Dental Crowns Today

Are you considering dental crowns as a potential solution? Are you tired of managing discomfort from damaged teeth? Perhaps you have dental issues that could be addressed with dental crowns, or maybe you simply have questions about them. No matter the reason for your interest in dental crowns, the compassionate team at BGW is ready to assist you.

Our dentists and staff are committed to your oral health. Using state-of-the-art methods, we will thoroughly assess your dental condition. Regardless of your age or specific needs, we will customize your dental care plan to address your unique situation.

Contact our offices today at 678-582-8099 or visit our website. Let us guide you in determining if dental crowns are the right solution for you.